Monday, October 8, 2007

Brazil Travel Guide

Brazil’s beaches are considered the most beautiful and funny of the world. To the discovery of the Brazilian costumes, Copa Cabana in Río de Janeiro, famous for its carnival, cuisine and the worm welcome of the local population.


* For its wonderful beaches which are maybe the most beautiful in the world. Not only for its nature but also for the amusing life that encourages them. In Copacabana beach, Río de Janeiro, any sport type may be seen at any hour of the day or the afternoon.

* To attend the most impressive human show in the world that is the Brazil carnival. In the smallest town in the country all the activities are interrupted during a week for the carnival and and nothing must seem to be more imporant than this celebrate.

* To cross the Amazon River from Belem to Manaus on board of a lineal boat and this way to see how the Amazon runs on the sides

* To dive inside the Brazilian music. The guitar and the percussion are present and played everywhere in all the beaches and squares of the country.

* To see Brasilia, the futurist city made in airplane form a city that represents the braviest architectural companies of this century.


With a surface of 8.511.965 Km., Brazil is the fifth state of the world for its extension. Besides Chile and Ecuador, it is adjacent to another state of Suramérica. It has four geographical types of area. The long sandy coast of the Atlantic Ocean, the amazon basin that welcomes the biggest jungle in the planet; the central plateau so call Planalto Brasileiro; and the depression of the Paraguayan basin to the southeast. Brasilia is the fascinating capital, a tourist city in form of airplane within the amazon jungle.

Time Zone: -5.0 (summer); -3.0 (winter)
Duration of the days: maxim 13.5 (December); minimum 10 (June)


Better Period: January, February, March, September, October
Good period: April, May, June, August.
Worst period. Julio


The whole Brazil has a tropical climate, therefore hot, humid and rainy during the whole year. Inside the Amazon jungle the percent of humidity never descend from 100% and Belem almost in the line of the Ecuador, its in the entire world the city where rainy s more.

Useful Information

Slight clothes of cotton, but also hot T-shirt if he/she goes in winter station overalls in the south. A jacket slight raincoat can be he very useful although against violent winds and cloudbursts it serves very little. Clothes of long magas against lso amazon inseptos.

A little about the author
Cesare Ambrosi. This guide is brought to you by Europelowcost


Visitargentina said...

hey how are you? nice blog i`ve been to brazil the beaches are incredible its so beautifull, we also have a blog about tourism but in argentina...
please come and give us your opinion if you could add us to your links itll be great, we'll do the same.
thanks and see you

Jason said...

Thank you for this blog. Very interesting. I have been to Brazil two years ago, and I like it very much! And now my dream is to buy in Brazil property close to ocean and move there! It will be great!

affitti granada said...

Great blog and very interesting..This travel guide is really gona help me...thanks for sharing..