Monday, August 27, 2007

Essential Backpacking Gear List

When planning your backpacking gear there are some things that you must have. There are plenty of new gadgets and devices that are supposed to enhance your backpacking experience, but when it comes down to it there are some traditional items that you should never leave home without, regardless of what new technology you may have in your pack. These essential items are listed below.

- Map. It really does not matter what type of map you choose. Just make sure it is detailed enough to show the trails and area details of where you will be backpacking.

-Compass. Some people tend t forget that a map alone is not going to work. You have to know which direction you are going. Make sure to get a good quality compass that will withstand the elements outside.

- Flashlight. It is very important that you always can see where you are going. Not having adequate lighting can lead to falls or injuries and that can really ruin a good backpacking trip.

- Extra food and clothing. Instead of packing just what you need, you should try to pack extra just incase you get lost, encounter bad weather or otherwise get stuck and not be able to get back. You must always be prepared for the unexpected.

- First Aid Kit. This is a really important item. There are many things which can happen out in the wilderness. Even if you are traveling in a very well kept area, you can still find a need for a first aid kit. Make sure you get a kit that is well stocked with a variety of supplies.

- Knife. You should carry with you a knife, preferably a multi-function knife that has several different tools included in one. Tools are important and the uses are endless. You will need at minimum, though, a nice sharp knife that can cut through fabric and cord.

- Matches. You should either carry waterproof matches or carry them in a waterproof container.

- Water or water treatment. You must stay hydrated in order to stay healthy while backpacking. If you do not carry water then you must have the necessary supplies to adequately treat water.

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